Membership Status
Potential Candidate
In 2008 the EU repeated its willingness to assist the economic and political development of Kosovo through a clear European perspective.
The EU helps contribute to stability in Kosovo through the EULEX rule of law mission in Kosovo and Special representative in Kosovo.
•2014 Progress report for Kosovo
•2013 Progress report for Kosovo
•Joint Report on Kosovo*'s progress April 2013
•Recommendation on a Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the EU and Kosovo*
$1· Strengthening the Kosovo Assembly
$1· Giving people a bigger stake in justice in the Western Balkans
$1· Home at last – displaced families gain a place in the community
$1· Bringing waste water treatment facilities online
$1· Radioactive lightning rods removed
$1· Giving a boost to business culture through lifelong learning
$1· Feeding the rural economy: European money modernises meat processing
$1· Eco equipment: Cleaning Kosovo’s air
$1· Efficient Energy Use in Public Buildings
•"Building a common vision of its European future", article by Commissioner Füle